Transferring without your Old Device.

Missing old devices


If you no longer have access to your old device, Support can still transfer your account for you.  We ask for the following information be provided:


-- Old character's invite code (the 9-digit player ID associated with your game, which can be found under Profile)


-- Your character's exact name (case sensitive) and last known level


-- The invite code of the new character showing up on the new device (should be around a level 1 when app is first installed)


For security and for purposes of verification, we request that players also provide the following information:


-- Last known login time


-- Recent copies of gold/gem/cash purchases made recently through iTunes, which you can attach in your reply to this email.  You can see your purchase history for the iTunes Store by logging into your iTunes account.  Additional information can be found at



-- Recent copies of gold/gem/cash purchases made recently through Google Wallet, which you can attach in your reply to this email. You can see your purchase history for Google Play by logging into your Google Wallet account. Additional information can be found at


Please note that without this information Support may be unable to locate and/or verify your old account. Please provide as much as you possibly can!


We're here to assist you! Submit a ticket and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.