Welcome to Whitbee's Candy Bash 4: Tails From the Campfire!
We’ve developed this guide to help you get the most magic out of this very spooky event! As always, you can email our Customer Support team for additional information: dragonvale@decagames.com
Getting Started
Why hasn’t the event begun in my park yet?
Your park must be at least level 11 to participate in this event, which began on October 12th, 2017.
If you’re above level 11 and the event hasn’t started for you, you may be playing on an older version of DragonVale. Please update to the most recent version through your device's app store.
I missed the help menus/event tutorials. What should I do?
Select the Bizarre Bazaar, then tap the Help icon. There you can view all the information about the event.
How long does the event last?
Whitbee's Candy Bash 4 runs through November 2nd, 2017, and concludes on November 3rd at 11am Mountain Time. It will not be possible to earn additional Candy after this time, but the Bizarre Bazaar will remain open for a few extra days so you can turn in any leftover Candy you may have.
Collecting Candy
During this event Candy can be earned in a variety of ways. Candy can then be turned in for fabulous prizes at the Bizarre Bazaar!
Ways to Earn Candy:
- Collecting DragonCash, Etherium, or harvesting Treats
- Hatching dragons
- Clearing items from new islands
- Playing games in the Ghoulish Game Gallery
Collecting daily rewards at the Hall of Hallows
- Competing in challenges at the Mausoleum Colosseum
- Receiving gifts from friends
- Visiting friends’ parks and tapping party hats
- Competing in Colosseum events
- Questing at the Perch of Kairos and Gaia’s Nest
- Finding and tapping hidden pumpkins
- Clearing Miasmic Ether
Why aren’t I earning any Candy?
If you're no longer earning Candy, you've likely hit your daily limit for Candy. Nice work! You can view the time until more Candy becomes available by tapping the Bizarre Bazaar, then tapping the Info icon.
What is the daily limit of Candy?
Candy is normally limited to 1000 per day, but be on the lookout for special occasions where there is more Candy available! Keep in mind, purchases in the market are not affected by the daily limit. Please note that in this event you can continue to earn Candy for the DragonVale community even after you've hit your personal limit for the day.
Collecting Candy After You've Reached the Daily Cap
It is important to note that you can continue to contribute Candy towards the community rewards after you've reached your daily cap. This additional Candy is not added to your personal total, but will be added to your community contribution. Once the community earns enough Candy you'll all be given a prize!
When can I collect more Candy?
Your daily cap for Candy will reset each day at 11am Mountain Time. Check back each day for more Candy and more chances to earn prizes!
Will there be opportunities to earn extra Candy?
At random times throughout the Whitbee's Candy Bash 4 players can earn more Candy than usual. Stay tuned to our Facebook community to learn more:
Purchasing Candy
Candy can also be purchased through the Market. Purchased Candy does not count against your daily collection limit.
The Bizarre Bazaar
The Bizarre Bazaar can be found on the event island and contains all the prizes that can be earned in the event. Prizes are divided into several tiers, and collecting more unique prizes will unlock higher tiers.
Exchanging Candy for Prizes
- Visit the Bizarre Bazaar and tap the Prizes menu
- View available prizes by tapping each of the different collections
- Select a prize from one of the many items available
- A counter on each prize will show you how many of that item you currently own. Please note that dragons that have not yet been hatched will not be counted.
- The more unique prizes you earn, the more collections you will unlock
Unlocking Higher Prize Tiers
Collecting more unique prizes will unlock higher tiers. The number of unique prizes required to unlock each tier is visible within the Bizarre Bazaar. If you already own an item from one of the prize collections it will count towards unlocking higher tiers. Multiples of the same item will not be counted in your total.
Activities & Games
Ghoulish Game Gallery
The Ghoulish Game Gallery contains two different mini games - Name That Dragon and Dragon Drop.
Name That Dragon -Recognize that shadowy figure? Guess the dragon correctly to win Candy!
Dragon Drop - A game of chance, Pachinko style! Tap to drop and win Candy or Gems!
You'll get 10 plays in the Ghoulish Game Gallery each day. Please note that these 10 plays are shared between both games.
The Mausoleum Colosseum
Similar to cooperative breeding, you can team up with friends’ dragons to compete in challenges and win Candy!
- Challenges will last two hours each
- You may complete up to five challenges per day
- Choose the best dragons for the challenge by matching your dragon's elements to the elements of the current challenge
- Candy collected from the Mausoleum Colosseum after your daily limit has been reached will not be added to your personal total, but will be counted towards the community rewards.
Hidden Pumpkins
As is tradition, Whitbee has hidden pumpkins around your park. Each day you'll have 10 hidden pumpkins to find in your park, and you might even find Whitbee himself. You will know there are still more pumpkins to find when you see a pumpkin decoration on your visitors icon.
The Hall of Hallows
The Hall of Hallows rewards you for each day you play during Whitbee's Candy Bash 4. Earn free Candy, Gems, and even dragons!
- Check in each day for magical rewards and special surprises!
- If you miss a day, don’t worry, you can spend a few gems to catch up. You cannot collect a day’s reward in advance.
- You only have to login to DragonVale each day to be eligible for the reward. If you login, but forget to visit the Hall of Hallows, your reward will still be available to collect next time you visit.
I received a gift of Candy from the Hall of Hallows but it wasn't added to my total. What happened?
Candy earned from the Hall of Hallows does not count against your daily limit so it will be added to your overall Candy total, but won't be reflected in the daily counter/progress bar below your Candy total.
Community Rewards
During Whitbee's Candy Bash 4, all Candy you collect in your park counts towards earning prizes for everyone in the DragonVale community. You can see how much Candy you've earned for the community at any time by tapping the cauldron underneath the Candy counter icon on the left side of your screen. The progress bar there represents the community progress from all DragonVale players.
Once the community has earned enough Candy, a reward will be given to everyone who contributed. After a reward is given, the progress bar will reset and start counting towards the next reward.
It is important to note that you can continue to contribute Candy towards the community reward after you've reached your daily cap. This additional Candy is not added to your personal total, but will be added to your community contribution.
End of the Event
When does the Whitbee's Candy Bash 4 end?
Whitbee's Candy Bash 4 runs through November 2nd, 2017, and concludes on November 3rd at 11am Mountain Time. It will not be possible to earn additional Candy after this time, but the Bizarre Bazaar will remain open for a few extra days so you can turn in any leftover Candy you may have.
When does the Bizarre Bazaar close?
The Bizarre Bazaar will remain open through November 4th and close at 11am Mountain Time on November 5th. You will not be able to earn additional Candy during this time, but you will have the opportunity to turn in any leftover Candy for prizes, as well as collect any Candy you may have remaining in your Gifts menu.
I have Candy remaining in my Gifts menu. Will this be added to my total when the event ends?
After the event ends, any Candy stored in your Gifts menu must be collected in order to be added to your total. You can collect up to 1,000 Candy from your Gifts menu each day until the Bizarre Bazaar closes.
I collected a large gift from a friend but only some of it was added to my total. What happened to the rest of my Candy?
If you collect a gift that puts you over the daily Candy limit (1,000 per day), the surplus Candy is removed from your friend's name and added to the Backflip Studios Gift total. Please note that this may not happen until the next time you load DragonVale.
What happens to my leftover Candy at the end of the Whitbee's Candy Bash 4?
Nothing happens to your leftover Candy until the Bizarre Bazaar closes. You can still hop in the game, access the prizes, and spend your Candy however you like. After the Bizarre Bazaar closes on November 5th, we'll turn any leftover Candy into DragonCash at the rate of 1,000 DragonCash per 1 Candy.
When is my last chance to purchase Candy if I need a little more?
To prevent any potential issues with purchases being made as the event is ending, Candy purchasing will be turned off at 8am Mountain Time on November 5th, 3 hours prior to the closing of the Bizarre Bazaar.
We appreciate you stopping by our event FAQ for more information. If you have further questions, send us an email at dragonvale@decagames.com