Whitbee's Candy Bash VI: The Haunted Hunt (Ended Event).


We’ve developed this guide to help you get the most magic out of this very special event! As always, you can email our Customer Support team for additional information:



Getting Started

Earning Candy

Collecting Prizes

The Shrouded Cavalry

Donating Dragons

Evolving Dragons

Activities & Games

Hall of Hallows

Frequently Asked Questions



Getting Started  

A dragon of uncanny origins has escaped into the Vale and Whitbee needs your help in tracking it down!

Your park must be at least level 11 to participate in this event, which began on October 10th, 2019. If you’re above level 11 and the event hasn’t started for you, you may be playing on an older version of DragonVale. Please update to the most recent version through your device's app store. The correct version for the event is 4.17.0.



Earning Candy


During this event Candy can be earned in a variety of ways. Candy can then be exchanged for fabulous prizes at the Bizarre Bazaar! 



Ways to Earn Candy: 


  • Collecting from habitats (maximum of 500 Candies per day on a regular day, 1000 per day on a double day, and 1500 on a triple day)
  • Breeding, incubating, and hatching dragons
  • Selling newly-hatched dragons
  • Purchasing Dragons with Gems
  • Donating Dragons to the Airship of Ghouls
  • Playing games in the Ghoulish Game Gallery
  • Competing in challenges at the Mausoleum Colosseum
  • Competing in Colosseum events
  • Collecting daily rewards at the Hall of Hallows
  • Finding and tapping on Whitbee and his hidden pumpkins 
  • Watching Visions at Tolzar's Optical Oracle
  • Answering trivia questions at the Poll Plaza



Collecting Prizes


The Bizaare Bazaar contains all the prizes that can be earned in the event. New for this event are dragon bundles that contain a dragon and its pedestal. 


Exchanging Candy for Prizes

  • Visit the Bizarre Bazaar and tap the Prizes icon
  • View available prizes by tapping each of the different collections
  • A counter on each prize will show you how many of that item you currently own. Please note that dragons that have not yet been hatched will not be counted. 
  • Dragon bundles that contain multiple items won't show you how many you have. Please use the Dragonarium to check which of those dragons you already own. 



The Shrouded Cavalry


New in this event are the dragons of the Shrouded Cavalry. Each of these special dragons has a unique shroud that they will bestow upon the Eldritch Dragon. Once you've acquired some of these Shroud pieces you can place them on an Eldritch Dragon in any combination you wish. 


Acquiring the Dragons of the Shrouded Cavalry

Dragons of the Shrouded Cavalry can be purchased with Candy in the Bizarre Bazaar, but in order to unlock one of these dragons you must first acquire all of the pieces of its associated Shroud. Once you have completed a dragon's Shroud you will then be able to purchase that dragon. Alternatively, you can purchase a special bundle that contains a dragon, its pedestal, and all of its Shroud pieces. 


Collecting Shroud Pieces

Shroud pieces are sold individually in the Bizarre Bazaar, and are also contained in the dragon bundles. There is also a chance of winning Shroud pieces from the Golden Chests found in mini-games. 


Applying Shrouds to the Eldritch Dragon

Once you've acquired some Shroud pieces you can use them to enhance the appearance of your Eldritch Dragon. You can apply a complete Shroud set, or mix and match individual pieces from the different Shrouds. 

To apply Shrouds:

  1. Locate the Eldritch Dragon you wish to enhance. A dragon must be at least level 4 to have Shrouds applied.
  2. Tap the mask icon in the lower right corner of the dragon's info card
  3. Tap the Shroud piece(s) you wish to apply to the dragon. 
  4. Shrouds can be changed at any time by returning to the Altar of Alteration, or by tapping the mask icon in the lower right corner of a dragon's info card



Donating Dragons

You can earn Candy by breeding the requested dragons and volunteering them to tour the haunted airship. Some requests will ask for a specific dragon, and others will simply require any dragon that possesses the requested element. 

Please note: Dragons that you donate to the Airship of Ghouls will not be returned, and you can only donate newly-hatched dragons.


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To fill a donation:

  1. Tap on the Airship of Ghouls or the Bizarre Bazaar
  2. Tap the "Donation" icon at the bottom of the screen
  3. Tap a space to view the request and reward for completing that space
  4. Breed the required dragon, then tap the "Donate" icon after hatching the new dragon
  5. If you aren't able to breed a requested dragon, you can use Gems to fill the request instead


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You will earn Candy for each donation request you fill. Completing a line of requests will provide even more Candy, and filling the entire donation request will earn you the most Candy. You can complete up to 5 donation cards per day. 



Evolving Dragons

Certain dragons can only be obtained by transforming existing dragons in your park. To summon one of these dragons, you'll need to obtain the unique decorations required for the desired dragon. 

You can use your Candy to purchase starter kits for the Wrath, Porcelain, and Corrupticorn Dragons. These kits contain all 10 of the required decorations along with the necessary base dragon.  Once you've acquired at least 1 Wrath, Porcelain, or Corrupticorn Dragon you can purchase more of that dragon or pedestal if you wish. 

Ghostly Effigies will allow you to evolve The Ghostly Fire, Ghostly Earth, Ghostly Cold, and Ghostly Plant dragons, and can be purchased in the Bizarre Bazaar. 


How to Evolve a Dragon

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If you've collected the required decorations, and have the necessary base dragon in your park, you can evolve that dragon using the steps below. The base dragon that you need to evolve can be found in the in-game breeding hints, accessed by tapping on a breeding area, then tapping the "breeding hints" icon. 

  1. Make sure you have the necessary decorations placed in your park and not in your gifts menu
  2. Locate the dragon you wish to evolve and tap on it
  3. Tap the "Evolve" icon at the bottom of the dragon's info card
  4. In the pop up menu, tap to select the type of dragon you wish to evolve to, then tap the confirm button
  5. Tap the "Evolve" button to transform your dragon. Please note that evolving a dragon will cost 100 Gems.

It is important to note that when you transform one of your dragons it will evolve into a new dragon, and the original dragon will no longer be available in your park. Please keep this in mind if you only have one of the dragon you wish to evolve. 


Activities & Games

Ghoulish Game Gallery

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The Ghoulish Game Gallery contains three different mini games - Name that Dragon, Dragon Drop, and Name that Egg. You'll get 5 free plays in the Ghoulish Game Gallery every 12 hours. Please note that these plays are shared between all games.


Name That Dragon - Recognize that shadowy figure? Guess the dragon correctly to win Candy!

Dragon Drop - A game of chance, Pachinko style! Tap to drop the coin and win Candy! 

Name That EggShow off your DragonVale knowledge when you take this multiple choice challenge. Win Candy when you guess correctly!


Buying More Plays

After you use your last available play at the Ghoulish Game Gallery you will have the option to purchase an additional play for 5 Gems. Purchasing an additional play is entirely optional and you will still receive your 5 free plays every 12 hours as usual.


Golden Chests


Sometimes mini-games contain a Golden Chest that will provide special rewards. You'll always have a small chance to find a Golden Chest when playing games, but buying an additional play gives a 100% chance of a Golden Chest appearing on your next turn. Please note that this only guarantees that the chest will appear, and not that you will be able to win the chest.


Mausoleum Colosseum

Similar to cooperative breeding, you can team up with friends’ dragons to compete in challenges and win Candy!


  • Challenges will last 6 hours each
  • You may complete up to 4 challenges per day
  • Choose the best dragons for the challenge by matching the dragons' elements to the elements of the current challenge 


Whitbee & Hidden Pumpkins


Each day Whitbee will hide pumpkins around your park. You will know when there are pumpkins to be found when you see the pumpkin decoration on the Visitors icon. You can also find Whitbee himself, so be sure to tap him for extra Candy!



Hall of Hallows

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The Hall of Hallows rewards you for each day you play during the event. Earn free Candy, Treats, and other great prizes!   

  • Check in each day for magical rewards and special surprises!
  • If you miss a day, don’t worry, you can spend a few gems to catch up. You cannot collect a day’s reward in advance.
  • You only have to login to DragonVale each day to be eligible for the reward. If you login, but forget to visit the Hall of Hallows, your reward will still be available to collect the next time you visit.



Frequently Asked Questions 

Why hasn’t the event begun in my park yet?

Your park must be at least level 11 to participate in this event, which began on October 10th, 2019.

If you’re above level 11 and the event hasn’t started for you, you may be playing on an older version of DragonVale. Please update to the most recent version through your device's app store. The correct version for the event is 4.17.0.


What is the daily limit of Candy?

There is no overall daily limit on Candy in this event, but the maximum amount of Candy you can earn by collecting from habitats is 500 per day on a regular day, 1000 on a double day, and 1500 per day on a triple day.


Why am I not receiving Candy when I collect from my habitats?

If you are no longer earning any Candy when you collect from habitats that would indicate that you have reached your habitat limit for the day. 


Why can't I purchase the dragons of the Shrouded Cavalry?

In order to unlock one of the new dragons of the Shrouded Cavalry you must first acquire all of the pieces of its associated Shroud. Once you have completed a dragon's Shroud you will then be able to purchase that dragon. Alternatively, you can purchase a special bundle that contains a dragon, its pedestal, and all of its Shroud pieces. 


Why can't I apply shroud pieces to my new dragon?

Shroud pieces can only be applied to the Eldritch Dragon. You can apply a full Shroud to an Eldritch Dragon, or mix and match individual pieces from different Shrouds. 


How do I acquire Shroud pieces?

Shroud pieces are sold individually in the Bizarre Bazaar, and are also contained in the dragon bundles. There is also a chance of winning Shroud pieces from the Golden Chests found in mini-games.


Can the Eldritch Dragon be bred?

The Eldritch Dragon can only be bred if one of the parent dragons in the breeding pair is an Eldritch Dragon. This means that if you already have Eldritch you can use it to breed another, or if you have a friend with one you can breed with their Eldritch Dragon to try to get one for yourself. 


Why can't I buy the Wrath, Porcelain, or Corrupticorn Dragons or pedestals?

Once you've acquired at least 1 Wrath, Porcelain, or Corrupticorn Dragon you can purchase more of that dragon or pedestal if you wish. The Starter Kits found in the limited section of the Bizarre Bazaar contain the decorations and base dragon necessary to evolve a Wrath, Porcelain, or Corrupticorn Dragon. 


Can evolution dragons be bred?

Dragons that are obtained via evolution (Wrath, Porcelain, Ghostly Fire, Ghostly Cold, etc.) can only be bred if both parent dragons are the dragon you are trying to breed. For example, Wrath + Wrath has a chance of producing another Wrath Dragon, but Wrath + another dragon does not. 


Why didn't I win the Golden Chest when I bought an additional play at the Ghoulish Game Gallery?

Buying an additional play guarantees that a Golden Chest will appear as one of the possible prizes in that round, but does not guarantee that you will be able to win it. Please note that in Name that Dragon and Name that Egg you must answer correctly before the timer expires in order to win the Golden Chest.


When does  Whitbee's Candy Bash end?

When the fog clears and the event begins to wind down we'll let you know things are about to come to an end. When the event does end, the Bizarre Bazaar will remain open for a few extra days so you can spend any leftover Candy you may have.


What happens to my leftover Candy at the end of Whitbee's Candy Bash?

After the Bizarre Bazaar closes, we'll turn any leftover Candy into DragonCash at the rate of 1,000 DragonCash per 1 Candy.




We appreciate you stopping by our event FAQ for more information. If you have further questions, send us an email at

We're here to assist you! Submit a ticket and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.