Welcome to the Return of Whitbee's Candy Bash!
Hello ghouls and girls! Whitbee’s Candy Bash has returned and we’re here to help you get the most out of it! As always, you can email our Customer Service team at dragonvale@decagames.com for additional information.
Getting Started
Why hasn't The Return of Whitbee's Candy Bash begun in my park yet?
Your park level must be at least level 11 to begin this event.
You might be playing on an older version of DragonVale, please update to the most recent version through the App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Marketplace. (The correct version for the event is 3.3.0)
I missed the help menus / event tutorials, what should I do?
If you select the Prize Pumpkin, then tap Help, you can view all the information on the event.
When does The Return of Whitbee's Candy Bash end?
Whitbee’s Candy Bash will last through November 8th. You can always check the timer in the Prize Pumpkin to see how much time is remaining.
Collecting Candy
To earn amazing event prizes you’ll have to collect candy from various activities. How do you earn candy, you ask?