Night Huntress.

The Night Huntress is a new Fighter class general, introduced with the Great Storm Era, May 2020 Season. 



Shock — Grants a 15% chance to paralyse an enemy unit for 1 turn. This ability cannot be silenced or suppressed.

Lightning strike — Grants a 30% chance to deal magic damage to 3 enemy units, dealing 50% to 100% basic attack damage.

Thunder Shield — At the start of the battle, grants an allied unit with the highest HP in the front row a defensive shield. Any melee unit attacking the shielded unit has a 25% chance to skip the turn. This ability cannot be silenced or suppressed.

Power Boost — Increases attack by 4% for each enemy squad slain.

Lightning Dodge — Grants a 7% chance of dodging instantly without taking damage, if the Night Huntresses’ speed is higher than the attacker’s. This ability cannot be silenced or suppressed.

Lightning Vortex — Grants a 30% chance to attack all enemy units with lightning, dealing 65% basic attack damage.

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