Ogre (elite unit).


Class: Protector

Weight: 5

Race: no race

Time: 6300

Gold: 2600

Wood: 860

Attack type: physical

Level Health Speed Attack P.Def M.Def
0 5415 380 3899 396 225
1 5794 384 4250 432 245
2 6200 411 4632 470 267
3 6634 415 4725 513 291
4 7231 456 5198 559 294
5 7881 488 5665 609 297
6 8433 522 6175 664 300
7 9192 559 6793 724 303
8 9376 598 7404 789 306
9 9563 640 8070 860 309
10 10233 685 8797 937 312
11 10903 730 9524 1014 315
12 11573 775 10251 1091 318

Ogre is a Protector type unit with high attack, good defense and low speed. Ogres have among the best raw stats in the game, and they could easily fit in as Fighters as well, especially given that they cannot be stunned or put to sleep. When the Ogre squad dies, a group of Troglodyte or Overseers pops out of the cage on Ogre's back to keep on fighting. 

When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 40% of the original Ogre squad size.


  • Can be affected by the Goblin's ability (bonus speed)
  • Cannot be stunned by Strangler, Dendroid, Maul Fighteror put to sleep by Fakir and Dream Fairy
Level Skill
0 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 40% of the original Ogre squad size.
1 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 46% of the original Ogre squad size.
2 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 52% of the original Ogre squad size.
3 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 54% of the original Ogre squad size.
4 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 58% of the original Ogre squad size.
5 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 60% of the original Ogre squad size.
6 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 66% of the original Ogre squad size.
7 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 72% of the original Ogre squad size.
8 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 78% of the original Ogre squad size.
9 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 84% of the original Ogre squad size.
10 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 90% of the original Ogre squad size.
11 When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 93% of the original Ogre squad size.
12  When this unit is killed, a squad of Troglodytes or Overseers jumps out of the cage to continue the fight. The amount of Troglodytes or Overseers equals 96% of the original Ogre squad size.


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