- Charm Prayer
The main way to get the Charm!
-Costs Elder’s Marks to Pray
-You can get an extra Purple or Orange Charms whenever Prayer progress completes
-Common Prayers allows you 3 free prayers per day
- Free times refresh at 0:00 UTC
- Charm Equip
-There are 8 Charm slots in the Page. Equip Charms to increase your troops' attributes
-You can save several Charm combinations in multiple pages. But the displayed page only works for the current troops.
-Page in use is active both in attack and defense
-Only 1 page can be used at a time
- Charm Attribute
-Every Charm of each slot gets a certain Primary Attribute and a random Sub Attribute when obtaining it.
-Level of the Primary Attributes and the Sub Attributes depends on Charm level
-Power of Primary Attributes depends on Charm Quality while Sub Attributes have random power
-High Quality Charms will create a new Sub Attribute when level increases
-Green Charms have a level cap of 30 and create up to 1 Sub Attribute
-Blue Charms have a level cap of 40 and create up to 1 Sub Attribute
-Purple Charms have a level cap of 50 and create up to 2 Sub Attribute
-Orange Charms have a level cap of 60 and create up to 3 Sub Attribute
- Charm Set
-Every Charm comes from a set. When 2/4/6/8 Charms from the same set is equipped, the Charm set effect will be activated
-The Charm set effect is independent of its Quality
- Charm Upgrade
-Use Red Dragon's Breath to upgrade Charm's levels
-Level of the Primary Attributes and the Sub Attributes are upgraded at the same time when Charms are upgraded
-Charm's level cap depend on its Quality
- Charm Reforge
-Choose a Charm to reforge. This costs Whirling Essence to recreate a new Sub Attribute. You can choose to accept the result or undo
-Use Totem Marks to protect high Quality Sub Attributes from loss or negative effects in Charm Reforge
-The level of new created Sub Attributes depend on Charm levels
- Charm Disassemble
-You can disassemble unwanted Charms and get Red Dragon's Breath back
-You can get back 80% of Red Dragon's Breath used in upgrading
-Disassembling Level 1 Charm still gives you a certain amount of Red Dragon's Breath due to its Quality
- 8 slots in the panel can be equipped with Charms.
- Equip Charms in the equipment page to provide multiple gains for your army.
- Equip Charms belonging to the same set in the panel to activate the set effect.
- There are 8 Charm slots in the Page. Equip Charms to increase the attributes of your troops.
- You can save several Charm combinations on multiple pages.
- Page in use is active both for attack and for defense.
- Only 1 page can be used at one time.
- Every Charm in each slot gets a certain Primary Attribute and a random Sub Attribute when it is first obtained.
- the Level of Primary Attribute and Sub Attribute depends on the level of the Charm.
- the power of the Primary Attribute depends on Charm Quality while the Sub Attribute has a random power level.
- a High Quality Charm will generate a new Sub Attribute when its level increases.
- Every Charm belongs to a set. When 2/4/6/8 Charms from the same set are equipped, the Charm set effect will be activated.
- the Charm set effect is independent of Charm Quality.
- Use Red Dragon's Breath to upgrade the level of the Charms.
- The level of the Primary Attribute and Sub Attribute are upgraded at the same time when the Charm is upgraded.
- The level cap of the Charm depends on its Quality.
- Choose a Charm to reforge. It will cost Whirling Essence to recreate a new Sub Attribute. You can choose to accept the result or undo it.
Locking item: Totem Mark (Used to lock the selected Attribute)
- Use Totem Mark to protect a high Quality Sub Attribute from experiencing losses during the Charm Reforge process
- The level of the newly created Sub Attribute depends on the Charm level.
- You can disassemble unwanted Charms and get Red Dragon's Breath back.
- You can get back 80% of Red Dragon’s Breath used in upgrading.
- Disassembling a Level 1 Charm still gives you a certain amount of Red Dragon’s Breath back, due to its Quality.
- Pray to the Totem to get Charms from these sets:

- Prayer behaviour can have a progress value.
- Players can get an extra Purple or Orange Charm whenever Prayer progress completes.