Here are some points that we would like to make clear in regards to canceling orders and purchasing Mirlith from third party sites.
1. Canceling orders: If you cancel a huge amount of orders/request for refunds too many times after receiving Mirlith in game, your account will be suspended for at least 30 days. To lift the suspension, you need to contact Customer Service. As a follow up you need to agree that you purchase the same amount of Mirlith as you received by canceling orders, once the ban is lifted. As soon as your purchase is confirmed and previously earned Mirlith deducted, you will be able to continue playing with your account.
2. Mirlith-selling third parties: We highly discourage the use of third party websites. By purchasing from a third party your account is exposed to security threats. You could lose your account, or you will be punished by ban if others use your account to maliciously request a refund without your permission.
3. Delays in receiving purchases: In this case, it is recommended to contact Customer Service instead of canceling your order. We will confirm the status of your order and make sure your receive the right amount of Mirlith in time.
As always, feel free to contact us if you should have any questions!