DECA Forum Guidelines & Rules.

DECA Forum Guidelines & Rules
The DECA Terms of Service apply to the DECA Community Forums and In Game Chat. In addition, all forum users must abide by the below rules when using the forums and or Game Chats. All rules are subject to change and decisions made by DECA are final.

The forums is an amazing place to engage in conversations with other players, share strategies and ask questions. However, they are not the best way to directly reach us if you require immediate assistance with an important issue. If you have a game issue that needs resolving, please click here to submit a support ticket so that we may assist you.

User Agreement
Your use of the forums and game chat is dependent on your acceptance and compliance with the Rules of Conduct and the DECA's Terms of Service. Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of privileges on these boards, and potential banning from the boards or game entirely. By following these Rules of Conduct, the forums and world chats will remain an enjoyable and useful environment for everyone. Violating these rules may result in your removal. These rules apply to all forms of communication, including public threads, private messages, visitor messages, avatars, and any other form of communication that directly link you to DECA.

Changes to these rules
We may revise these Rules of Conduct or their Terms of Service at any time. You are expected to check this page from time to time to make note of any recent changes

DECA Forum And Game Chat Rules

Rule 0:
This is a private board owned by DECA. As such, our decisions are final, and we can take any action necessary to control the boards or game chat, even if an offense does not specifically fall into one of the rules below. We reserve the right to remove any message board content without notice for any reason.

Rule 1:
Violating these rules will result in warnings, either formal or informal, suspensions, banning, or other sanctions. We try very hard to be fair, and not to use infractions without good reason.

Rule 2: Respect other users on the forums or your in game chat.
- Do not make attacks or insult other users, either in the forums, game chat or through private messages. Disagreements and debates are fine, but don’t make it personal.
- Do not attack groups. This includes professions, races, religions, sexual orientations, genders, incomes, or even vague groups like “you people.”
- Do not use terms which are offensive to groups, such as “gay” or “retard” as an insult.
- Do not “flame.” These are posts intended to personally berate and anger another user.
- Do not “troll.” These are posts intended to bait other users into getting angry, or getting into unproductive discussions.
- Do not haze new users. We were all new once. New members should feel welcome, and you should help them with their questions, no matter how ill-informed they might be. With a little help, today’s newbies are tomorrow’s experts!

Rule 3: Respect our forum purpose and structure.
- Make your posts in the appropriate forum.
- Please use the Search function. If a relevant thread already exists, please post there instead of creating a new thread about the same topic. Duplicate threads will be closed to keep the forums orderly and easy to navigate.
- Keep off-topic posts in the off-topic forum.
- Don’t start discussions about non-DECA games.
- Do not cross-link to other message boards or websites unless approved by a moderator.

Rule 4: Respect the law.
- Do not post anything illegal under U.S. law, or encourage other users to break the laws of the U.S. or their country of residence.
- Do not encourage users to break DECA Terms of Service. This includes giving information about how to find or use scripts, exploits, or cheats, as well as arranging to buy or sell accounts or virtual goods.
- Do not post screenshots that display the use of scripts or third party applications.

Rule 5: Respect the audience. Users may be as young as 13 on the forums and game chat
- Keep your language civil. Excessive profanity is not allowed.
- Do not post pornography, inappropriate graphic sexual content in any format, or links to sexually explicit sites.
- Do not post graphic images or explicit descriptions of violent acts.
- Do not use an avatar or signature that could offend other users. They have to look at it a lot.

Rule 6: Respect privacy.
- Do not post any private emails or private messages unless you have the explicit permission of each person involved in the exchange.
- Do not post private communication between DECA customer support, members, moderators, or administrators on these forums, or anywhere else. (This include support ticket responses)
- Do not post any information covered by a non-disclosure agreement or beta testing agreement. Even if you somehow have inside information about our competitors, for legal reasons we don’t want to hear it.
- Do not post Facebook information about other forum users.
- Do not use posts from these forums on external websites or for commercial purposes without the explicit permission of each person involved.
- Do not accuse other players of cheating in the forums or in-game. If you suspect a player of cheating, they can be reported through a support ticket. Accusing another player by name is grounds for thread deletion and a warning.

Rule 7: Respect our time. Don’t waste it.
- Do not post repeatedly about the same topic. One invitation to join your alliance is fine. Ten invitations is just wasting our time.
- Do not spam users on the forums and game chat. Spam means sending unwanted messages, or sending multiple messages in a short time.
- Do not start a thread about a news story or article unless you make it clear what the story is about, and offer your own opinion to start a discussion. Making us guess about why you posted a thread is a waste of our time.
- See the section on ‘Non-Constructive Posts’ below.

Rule 8: Respect your account.
- Do not share your account information with other individuals. You will be held responsible for any rules violations that occur under your account.
- Do not create new accounts or use other tricks to avoid suspensions or bans. Any attempt to evade a sanction will result in a permanent ban.
- Do not create ‘sock puppet’ accounts – multiple accounts created just so that you can agree with yourself and make it seem like your ideas have more support than they do.
- Never include your e-mail address or any other personal information in posts.

Rule 9: Respect the privileges of the moderators.
- Do not impersonate moderators. Do not claim to speak for the moderators.
- Do not post using the color red. This color is reserved for moderators.
- Read over the ‘Moderators’ section below to understand the responsibilities of the moderators.
- Do not post threads asking to become a moderator. The moderator community will select new moderators from the most helpful and constructive posters on the boards.

Rule 10: Respect the decisions of the moderators.
- The moderation teams reserves the right to warn, suspend, or permanently ban users judged to be acting against the spirit of the rules, even if the user is following the letter of the rules.
- Do not argue with moderators about moderator decisions. You can disagree with a moderator’s opinions, just like any other poster, but when they post moderator actions in red text, don't argue with them in that thread.
- Moderators are unable to refund Gems or replace any lost items. These type of transactions cannot be resolved through the forums and must be handled through a support ticket.


DECA 's Terms of Service also found here:

We're here to assist you! Submit a ticket and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.