Due to the limitations of our tools, changing personal data such as the email address linked to a DECA ID is not possible. Once you have registered your game with DECA, you will permanently link the account to the selected ID.
If you no longer have access to the email you used to register the account, please contact Support with the following information as account verification:
1) Player Name, ID and World/Server
2) Last (2) Ruby Purchase receipts from at least two months ago
3) Other World (Server) Names
4) Player Names on other Worlds
5) Join Date (approximate is OK)
6) General information about the account like items in your inventory, account level, guild, etc
If you have access to this email address and are unable to access the game, you can reset your password here: https://mobilegame.gaeamobile.com/user/forget
You will need to be logged out of your account to access the password recovery site and you will need to have access to the email you used to register the account: