Grail Knight: Rewards.

A Grail Knight can achieve one of 9 Levels. The higher the Level, the more benefits you can receive from your acquired Rank, and the Level reached depends on the Grail Knight Devotion achieved.

Using a 1 Day of Grail Knights item will allow you to level up to Grail Knight Level 1, unlocking the following bonus features:

  • 1 more special Daily Quest
  • 1 more chance to refresh Daily Quests each day
  • 1 weekly Grail Knight gift
  • Improved Stamina and Mana recovery speed by 20%

Grail Knight rewards increase with your Grail Knight Level. Rewards include: Daily Quests, unique Weekly and Monthly gifts, and for the bravest heroes, free Summon retries and Summon Pre-select.

Check the rewards available with each subscription by going to your Grail Knight tab, tapping on Join, and selecting each option.

How do I level up my Grail Knight
Grail Knight Levels increase with Grail Knight Devotion.

Grail Knight Devotion can be increased in one of 2 ways, while your subscription is active:

  • Collecting Cards through Questing, Arena, Guild Raiding, battling throughout Camelot, etc.
  • Spending Gems: every Gem you spend will earn you Devotion.
  • Using Devotion Items (such as Arthurian Pie)

However, Grail Knight Devotion decreases once daily by a value that depends on your Grail Knight Level.

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