If you know the email that is currently linked to your Gaea account you can reset your password using the following link:
You can also do this action in game by tapping on your name in the upper left hand corner of the screen then tapping on the Gear symbol in the upper right. Then tap on 'Gaea ID' 'Log In' 'Forgot Password?'. Enter in your current email address and the password reset process will begin.
If you are still unable to reset the password to your account please send in a ticket with the following information. This will help us locate your account, verify account ownership, and help you to regain access.
1) Player Name and World
2) Current email address linked with the account
3) Last (2) Gem Purchase Dates or Last (2) Item Purchases
4) Other World Names and Player Names
5) Join Date (approximate is OK)
6) Last played date (approximate is OK)