Technical Issues (including patching problems).
This article outlines solutions to various technical issues, including what to do if you are having trouble patching Celtic Heroes.
Connectivity Issues
If you are having trouble connecting to the game, there are several things you can try which should solve your connection issues.
The first option is to:
- Fully power down your device. That is, do not just lock the device or put it into sleep mode, but instead fully switch it off.
- Turn the device back on.
- Launch the Celtic Heroes app.
The second option is to:
- Connect to a different WiFi network than the one you normally connect to.
- Launch the Celtic Heroes app.
One of these two options should solve your connection issue.
If, after trying both of these options, you are still experiencing connection issues post your problem in the Ask for Help forum and we can investigate your issue further.
Patching and Updating Issues
There are times when you may have trouble either patching or updating the game.
If this occurs:
- Delete the app from your device.
- Re-download the Celtic Heroes app from the App Store.
- Launch the app.
This should solve any patching or update issues you may encounter.
We're here to assist you! Submit a ticket and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.